Tadasana – Mountain pose also called Samasthithi

Tadasana – Mountain pose also called Samasthithi
Tadasana – Mountain pose also called Samasthithi

Tadasana – Mountain pose also called Samasthithi

Tada = mountain 

Sama = upright, straight, unmoved

This is the basic standing pose –  Master it !

1.     Stand erect with the feet together or slightly apart and parallel to each other 

2.     Stretch the toes and place them flat on the floor

3.     Tighten the knees, pull the knee caps up

4.     Stomach in , chest forward, spine and neck straight

5.     Connect the 4 corners of the feet to the earth- big toe, little toe, inner and outer heel.

6.     Distribute the weight of  your body evenly on the heels and toes

7.     Keep your arms straight down along your thighs or stretch them over your head.

Benefits of Tadasana

  1. The first benefit to bring back body awareness

  2. Overcoming body image issues

  3. Building confidence and self esteem

Practice this pose often- bring back the alignment of your body, appreciate the balanced state, feel strong and grounded like the mountain

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