Becoming a mother is the most awaited moment for every woman. Preparation begins right from the period of conception and
continues till childbirth. Great care needs to be taken to ensure that both the mother and the baby remain healthy. Prenatal
yoga is a multifaceted approach that is specifically designed for pregnant women. It helps to prepare the body for labour,
reduce discomfort, and increase strength.
Prenatal yoga is a form of exercise to make the pregnancy and childbirth process easier. It is a practice that combines physical
exercises with breathing techniques and meditation.
Practicing yoga and pranayama in pregnancy can help you face the demands of labor . You will learn how to breathe deeply
and relax consciously. The key to good health and happiness lies in breathing right When we attend to our breath, it can
relieve stress and anxiety and rid us of negative emotions in pregnancy .Pranayama helps to rejuvenate the body and mind ,
improves immunity and help reduce blood pressure, improve circulation and oxygen supply to the fetus
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