Virabhadrasana III(Warrior Pose)

Virabhadrasana III(Warrior Pose)
Virabhadrasana III(Warrior Pose)

Virabhadrasana III(Warrior Pose)

Remember Warrior 1? If not check out our post. Virabhadrasana III is a continuation of Virabhadrasana 1.

So here’s the sequence –

  1. Follow instructions for Virabhadrasana pose I

  2. Exhale, extend upper body and arms forward over the left thigh, making sure to keep hips at the same level

  3. Balancing on the left leg, stretch the upper body forward further while lifting the right leg

  4. The final position has the right leg,head , trunk and arms parallel to the floor

  5. Hold for 20-30 seconds, come back to V pose 1 then repeat on the other side

  6. Back to Tadasana

  7. Easier version – support the lifted leg on the window sill and your stretched arms can be placed on the back of a chair



    Tones the abdominal organs

    Strengthens legs Improves balance

    Regular practice makes mind and body agile


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