Mouth sores during cancer treatment? Here are some tips to help you manage mouth sores

Mouth sores during cancer treatment? Here are some tips to help you manage mouth sores

Krupa Prashanth, Cancer Nutritionist

Cancer is a difficult experience. It is not just the treatment, stress and uncertainty but also managing side effects of treatment. Mouth sores are one of the common side effects of cancer treatment or in some cases may be because of the cancer itself. It is important to know what to expect during cancer treatment in order and seek help if required. 


Causes of mouth sores

Also termed as Mucositis, mouth sores are caused as a response to chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. It may progress to painful ulcers and infection, interfere with chewing, swallowing, cause changes in taste and even changes in talking. 


What can you do ?

Keep Mouth and tongue clean

You can prepare a solution of water in salt or baking soda ( 200 ml water + ½ to 1 tsp of salt/ soda) and rinse your mouth before and after each meal. Store bought mouthwash might contain alcohol and irritate your ulcers and hence should be avoided. 

Eat soft, moist foods that are easy to swallow

Use a straw to sip your liquids

Your Consulting Oncologist may also suggest some mouth rinses. 

Before we go, here are some foods you can try – 

  1. Apple and dates smoothie

  2. Carrot spinach and spring onion soup

  3. Masoor dal and palak khichdi.

We will share recipes for the food. Keep watching this space!

The oral cancer foundation estimates that about 40% of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment experience oral mucositis. You can speak to our Cancer Nutritionist to get a personalised advice if you or someone you look after has mouth ulcers.


Supportive Care Programs for Cancer Patients

Prameya Health through the Sahai Programs provides supportive care for cancer patients to address needs such as managing side effects, nutrition tips, managing anxiety and stress, yoga therapy and art therapy. The programs are delivered from our center in Bangalore. We also run online programs to reach out audience across India and the world.

Call us on +91 73494 72210 to speak to a cancer nutritionist. We offer online consultations too.


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