Myths & Facts about Menopause

Menopause, which usually happens in a woman’s late 40s or early 50s, is a normal biological process that signifies the end of her reproductive years. Confusion and misunderstandings can arise from false information on life transitions such as menopause, which makes it difficult to approach new phases with confidence. Pranasakhi program from Prameya Health debunks all the myths surrounding menopause… Continue reading Myths & Facts about Menopause

The benefits and risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy

With regards to hormone therapy, medical associations have taken a more liberal position in recent years, supporting both the ‘lowest dose for the shortest period’ and the right dose for the right duration. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment option for individuals experiencing hormonal imbalances due to menopause, or certain medical conditions. HRT can… Continue reading The benefits and risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Cultivating Mindfulness and a Sense of Calm during Menopause

The transformation that a woman goes through during menopause is associated with a host of emotional and physical changes. These changes often require dedicated efforts to manage them. One of the best practices to navigate through this change smoothly is to practice mindfulness and develop a sense of calm. Most women find it challenging to… Continue reading Cultivating Mindfulness and a Sense of Calm during Menopause

Sahai Program

Cancer not only affects the body, but also the mind and the spirit. It brings a lot of emotional change. It’s a hard journey that needs strong support. The FENS Sahai Cancer Support Program by Prameya Health is a ray of hope for those navigating the difficult terrain of cancer. It offers holistic care in… Continue reading Sahai Program

Menopause and its Impact on Relationship

A woman goes through various physical and mental changes from the onset of menarche (the first menstrual cycle) to menopause (cease of menstrual cycle). They are a natural phase of every woman’s life and are inevitable. While menarche marks the beginning of a woman’s reproductive years, menopause marks the end. Menopause typically occurs in the… Continue reading Menopause and its Impact on Relationship

How does Menopause Affect Women Wellness

Menopause marks the end of the menstrual cycle in a woman’s life. Women in their menopausal stage experience various symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, frustration, hot flushes, night sweats, urinary incontinence, and tiredness, as well as various other health issues. These symptoms are the result of hormonal changes and can affect women’s wellness both mentally… Continue reading How does Menopause Affect Women Wellness

FENS care by Prana Sakhi to Balance Work, Parenthood, and Marital Happiness

Balancing work, parenthood, and marital happiness can be a demanding yet rewarding endeavour. To maintain harmony in these aspects of life, effective communication, time management, and self-care are essential. With a team of experienced clinicians, Prameya Health ensures that women receive holistic care across all four dimensions of health i.e. Functional, Emotional, Nutritional & spiritual through… Continue reading FENS care by Prana Sakhi to Balance Work, Parenthood, and Marital Happiness

The Well Women’s Clinic at Prameya Health -: A holistic initiative for women’s wellness across all ages

Although the years after menopause are often the healthiest and happiest years of a woman’s life, physiologic health can be affected by the menopause and postmenopausal states. The loss of ovarian hormones can increase your risk of metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis. Mood changes, cognitive impairment, sexual dysfunction, immunosuppression and neuromusculoskeletal changes can also occur during… Continue reading The Well Women’s Clinic at Prameya Health -: A holistic initiative for women’s wellness across all ages

Navigating Marital Bliss – Prana Sakhi helps you plan and prepare for parenthood

In the process of getting ready to become a parent, there are several milestones, and each one has its challenges and issues. It takes careful planning and cooperation from both partners to navigate the journey. Open communication shared responsibility, and a shared future vision are important to laying a solid foundation before starting a family..… Continue reading Navigating Marital Bliss – Prana Sakhi helps you plan and prepare for parenthood

Healthy Habits for Teens: Prana Sakhi Emphasizes on Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep

As parents, educators, and mentors, we all want to see the teenagers in our lives thrive and flourish. Adolescence is a critical period of growth and development, making it essential to instil healthy habits early on. Through this article via Prana Sakhi, we at Prameya Health emphasize the importance of three key pillars for teen… Continue reading Healthy Habits for Teens: Prana Sakhi Emphasizes on Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep